Polymetal Says 700 Tons of Golden Ore Were on Missing Cargo Ship, the Art of Astrology - Extreme"/>

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Polymetal Says 700 Tons of Golden Ore Were on Missing Cargo Ship


Oct 27 – 27 vessel is loading cargo, gold ore, on the road of Kiran port, pos 55 00 N 135 23E, SW Okhotsk sea.
In the morning of Oct 27, around noon latest, vessel left Kiran for Okhotsk port loaded with about 600 tons of gold ore. Okhotsk port is 370 nautical miles to the north, along a streamlined coastline, some 48 hours sailing for Amurskaya with her 8 knots cruise speed.
Latest known position according to vessel’s AIS is 54 58N 135 39E at 1130UTC Oct 27, vessel was proceeding at a speed of 3.4 knots – either due to mechanical problem, or most probably, because vessel was already in a storm with NE wind 17-20 meters/sec and sea up to 3 meters.
The EPIRB was activated at 2300 UTC Oct 27 in presumably, position 54 40.38N 135 50.30E (officials don’t reveal the position, but position was given earlier by one edition known to be able to get information directly from MRCC Moscow). The edition in question, though claiming to be industry media, is utterly incompetent, so the EPIRB position they gave is a presumption, but it looks like a probable one.
The distance between last known position and alleged position of EPIRB is a small one, vessel could drift to EPIRB position even being under way, because disabled or under way, vessel was apparently drifting, trying to hold on against waves and wind.

28° Virgo     178 [Venus]
A bald-headed man in uniform completely dominates an assembly of men, diplomats, scientists, and industrialists.

Makes this seem more like the theft of the century perhaps,. ala Montauk Project

So i post the early morning chart, because that's when it looks like the crew become 'compromised' to some extent,. i might assume that something goes on board the ship at that time [Setting Moon into Aries 6th]
That area of the sky is for staff and crew, passing through security,.. Uranus there at 6 Aries is the event itself,. So as the Moon tracks we can follow progress as such,. Recall in the Russian 3 cars munitions explosion with the Moon in aspect to Uranus,..

Moon into Aries 6th house indicates perhaps something going on board that is involved in the 'disappearance',.. As per Russian incident, perhaps electronic in nature,.

Remember we have been calling October 2012 for some time now and the den of thieving psychopathic pedophiles that would emerge,. In fact,. we even have a 'dark an dirty' Oct 2012 evil sucker of the last 30yrs competition on the go ;) With Jimmy Saville and the BBC admittedly in the front row at this stage in the contest,..

Right so there you see Sun Saturn in Scorpio rising,.
Event takes place on the ocean, water sign Scorpio,.
It involves mineral assets, planet Saturn,.
It involves insurance claims, Sun Saturn Scorpio,.


So now immediately what immediately comes to mind is the Costa Concordia and how we called the roots of that 'mistake' beforehand's on twitter,.. In that thrilling novel media romance deceptive epic fan dangle which amounted in a hefty financial payout in rather trim economic waters,. Pretty much like selling a heap of shares at near premium prices when in fact shares are valued well below that, given the fact that not too many reveling Grecian's are festively flotilla bound at this stage of Mario's technocratic Bro's Euro Draghinet,.

So as much as i thought that was an insurance job, as was the titanic itself, all the drama to background the audience over to the evening lounge and the next thrilling box of popcorn,. I think perhaps one of the oldest archetypal insurance claims must be that of 'a ship that did not arrive from its port of departure',. On land there is bound to be some history or track to follow in looking for your ferreted cargo, on the water however its another story, even Obama, oop, Osama apparently lurks in the murky depths,.. At least we have his scandals, eh!? Sorry, sandals,.. Literally folks, if you want to take the last 200yrs of MSM at face value you got to have as much cerebral integrity as a BigMac Hamburger,. What don't folks understand about Media outlets having spheres held by mega corporations,. Does one really think a GE owned paper is going to print anti war stories!? Crack another synapse i say,.

So back to the 'Philadelphia experiment' 2012 then,. the second chart we post is for the time of .....'hellllllp'
"The EPIRB was activated at 2300 UTC Oct 27 in presumably, position 54 40.38N 135 50.30E"


Note that the Moon Uranus is top of the sky at that very time,.. Fancy that then,. Uranus being 'catastrophes' and also EM applications, wink wink, castration, shock disappearance, and awe, oh awe, really does keep thse sheeple in PTSD mode don't it!?,.. Also particularly Uranus in Aries, brazen theft and criminality apparently when square to Pluto Capricorn, as noted from xmas 2007 to date,. None of this can be considered hearsay on following the obvious looting of the North African arab nations recently by NATO countries,..

Note too that Leo is rising,. Leo is ruled by the Sun in mythology and as such, Gold is its token metal,. That is mighty interesting as with the Russian Munitions blast, too it is Moon, Uranus, Mars in fire signs, the 3 explosive railway carts,. Ok,. maybe now one can gather why i keep alluding to a high energy event ala Philadelphia,. Because the sky is showing it again and we have just seen that combination the other day,. Hmmm Russia? Again!? Is this not all circling someones nest at this stage?,.

Neptune coming out the 8th house into the 7th,. that's the mystery that remains,. As the clouds clear, the dust settles,. Nada, not a farthing to be found,.

Mars is still a day away from opposition to Jupiter,.. Mars Jupiter contacts are regularly 'freedom fighter' oriented,.. So this is theft related to NATO stuffing the rebels arms caches full of ready to use weaponry? Regardless, Mars opposite Jupiter, Mars ruler of Scorpio that is,. Mars then is well anti freedoms himself, even as he apparently espouses 'freedom' through acts of 'terror',.. So this is akin to the Muesli Bros and how when they come to power as the freedom gang, they actually take away freedoms that the Arab people had fought for decades to achieve,.. This points to scenarios of taking back peer freedoms in line with religious objectives,.. Jupiter religion,. Gemini Neighbors, peers and siblings,. Jupiter is retrograde, freedom going backwards, freedoms reversing,..

As per the Russian munitions 'accident', this has a greater globalist war written all over it,. With Mars still to oppose Jupiter, we will see another year of NATO ratcheting up the tension,.. Of interest is how literally we can see the armed 'militants' not just 'targeting' western freedoms, but western freedoms that are in retrograde,. Which is the ultimate comedy, in 20yrs time how are they going to pull of further limiting legislation's,.. "They hate us because we are free",.. Well that tenet is falling by the way side pretty quickly,..

Straight off the bat, Moon Uranus points to the 'Globalists',. Everyone best start paying attention in the technocrats direction,. All these nation free unelected technocrat bodies are becoming the new mediators for the corporates as politicians start to fall by the way side as trade 'agreements' start to bind their hands of any real change,.

In our country the 'leaders' are well known to have accrued cash for their hidden causes via cash-in-transit heists or ATM bombings,.. There is not one iota of doubt in my mind that the globalists are not capable of similar,..

Further reading,.

"The incident won’t cause a substantial loss for Polymetal, according to Nikolay Sosnovskiy, an analyst at VTB Capital." 700 tons?

Let me get this right,. 700 tons is no sweat to these guys,.

"Because while Ecuador, with its 26.3 tonnes of gold, may be small in the grand scheme of gold things,…"

Germany with 3400 tonnes in total and shifting 150 of them from London causes a stir,..

Such comments are perhaps thence a little brazen,.
"The incident won’t cause a substantial loss for Polymetal, according to Nikolay Sosnovskiy, an analyst at VTB Capital."
Unless Nikolay is referring to printing press money or numbers on a screen money,. the new imaginary world economy of quantum iou's perhaps,.. 700 tonnes in respect to world nations entire holdings seems to be a fair bit of Gold as far as i understand it,.. Gold God? Perhaps to some,..

I mean,. perhaps the recent storms the world over are a result of Frankensteinian HAARP playing ionospheric electro-magnetics in operation, the Sun sure wasn't on fire this weekend as far as i recall, i follow it and our ionosphere every day, i assume to know of what i speak,.

Get this,.. "vessel was proceeding at a speed of 3.4 knots – either due to mechanical problem, or most probably, because vessel was already in a storm with NE wind 17-20 meters/sec and sea up to 3 meters."
In what sci-fi movie when they do the invisibility experiment or a dip into time travel do you not see a scene of wild blowing winds and big lightening storms,.. Answer me that one,.

Perhaps Sandy herself was the focusing of a beam aiming in on the fed reserve in wall street to quaker through time and nip the gold 80 feet underground,.. What with all this banter of Germany's gold in the NY fed being destroyed,. One certainly can blow the Annukai home coming into one big remapping of the synapses as to how involved or far gone the struggle for planet earth really is,..

In fact,. its not about the money neither,. not its value as such,.. In a cosmic scale of things,. if earth was the only place gold could be found,. yes perhaps so,. But that's a real low odds consideration that,. So as such,. what is the meat in this millennia's on feud?..  Control,. That money is a control mechanism,.. Ladies and gents may we introduce, the 'citizenry',. Those lowly folk one has to con and scam eternally so they don't come throw you over the balcony of one of your luxury villas,.

Physical value in items is tribute to stored Solar energy, the golden drops of light stored in the fruit, the grains,. the wood, the water,. Stored to be used at will,. The Sun gives us life, the earth a translator of the Suns energy, abets that process,.. Physical cash as an earthy token of that trapped energy process,.. Hence money is commonly represented as gleaming, shining, glittering,. In introducing fiat cash over time,. by dropping the gold standard, we lost contact between our money as relative measure of the Suns stored energy, as yielded later from the commodity/item itself,.. It is that link that has eroded now,. We are having our value scales massively tampered with here,. A GM corn syrup 'energy' bar with a fabulous name and gloss wrapping is peddled as a food stock commodity with an actual value,. Understand how such is similar to offering a person in 23hrs solitary confinement a few rays of light a day and telling them,. "well, that's all there is",. A regular human will adjust to such conditions and believe it is so,.. Did you know by the way that one of the co-founders of pirate bay was extradited from Cambodia to Sweden, arrested and now sits in solitary confinement!?

I mean seriously folks,. Solitary confinement for copy right infringements? And they say the corporations don't appoint the judges? That's an inventive boy child of a homo-sapiens mother,. That's a modern invention he takes part in and he gets his mind turned into mash potato for that? Something is seriously astray here folks, and it sure ain't my 'ramblings of a nutter' session,. Fukushima sorts of 'baseless rumours',..

As such slowly but surely the worlds population is being scammed that the Sun in fact is not the 'God' of all things here,.. Global 'warming' hardly even mentions solar output in its models,. It does not produce any of this stuff you see around you,.. It is money that is your god, as a 'citizen', because sure as day, if you don't have ready cash tomorrow, no lubricant means for transfer within the system,. Well by Joe you ain't going anywhere are you!?.. Sun be up or Sun be down, money moves the masses,.. Control, solitary confinement for those who do not bay to the ponzi scheme where fiat money is your god!

So as QE spending hits the roof, really, populations are being abused wholly at this stage in our history,. The ponzi just has to get bigger and bigger, the scam more and more 'complex',.. The controls increase inversely to value of the currency,.

As if the eye atop the pyramid is forever climbing and adding more layers to the skin of the outer pyramid,.. Building themselves a tower of Babel they are,.. Myths going round and round for millenia,..


Blogger dion said...

Moon Uranus in Aries like 21 12 2012 !?
Detonation of munitions Moon to fire sign,. Fukushima Uranus to Aries,.

Is 21 12 2012 a massive RF event?

1:07 PM  

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