Adolf Hitler and the rise-fall of Capitalism
Very very interesting chart i have been meddling through,.. Why? because first off, in Hilter we see the strongest past inferances to
So it in this charts aspect to Mars and Venus that we can see the civilians and issues surrounding them,. Note too that Venus is retrograde indicating cruelty to humans,.
Aspects of chief importance are,. 4th hse square from Saturn, lord of Death! 6th hse Uranus in Libra, the new super society these kids for part of,.. But yes, these two greater aspects show the deaths and the superstate he envisaged,.
Then, off chief interst is his Moon Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn in the 3rd, ruled by Saturn, lord of Death,..
Now caprcorn is Banking industry too,. So here we start seeing the Saturnian coins, or mney pile,. as sthe same as teh pile of human bones,.. Very intersting for it starts to peel this all open,..
3rd hse is Brotherhood and peers,.. The first inklings i get are that he is the bastard son of a very wealthy banking family,. Seriously and i never ever thought that reality until pouring over this chart further,.. Then, that Pluto Neptune conjunction in Gemini, to me has always been the "big brother" conjunction of the late 19th century,.. Note how Hitler used radio and screen media so heavily,. the first great warrior to do so in our time,. Note how in his chart they are 8th hse positioned,. i.e. Hidden and lending resources,..
So,. my idea came to look at that third of 'brotherhood' and say,. hey,. that's the bankers club!? Thats the elites that fostered this child and macde him who he was,..
So,. because astrology rocks so hard, we can place that third house on the Ascendant and then track transits to it to see how things are going for the world banker brotherhood ;)
So now,.. Pluto into Capricorn is the first thing that rings a Bell,.. that xmas 2007,..
Lets maybe backtrack a little to say that if you follow Uranus transiting Hitlers chart,. as it transits Jupiter moon we roughly have the centuries first depressions and the first world war,. Recall that earth signs are resource signs,. So its the war for resources and access to these,.. People and territories are thus included here,.
Then when Uranus transits that clump of planets in Taurus,. yeap that's second world war, the whole period,.. For starts thats simply amazing to see a correspondence there,..
Now recall Uranus is the planet of networking and, you guessed it, elite brotherhood,..
Then, obviously he is dead already, but we can keep following his chart as now we are following the cabal that set him up and their business here on the planet post his death/work,..
Uranus passing his Saturn in Leo in the 1950's is obviously the setting up of the EU,.. [Leo territory and Saturn authority]
At his 84yr old Uranus return, 1971/72 and the dropping of the gold standard!?
Then as Uranus passes Capricorn again in 1989 through the great Uranus Neptune conjunction in 1993/4,.
This is all the fall of German wall, Russia and Southern Africa,.. Incredible! i.e. this is all on the same time line folks,.. i.e. this is what that banker brotherhood that supported Hitler have been working on all this time,. it's their progress bar as such,..
So now the main point of the post,.. Tracking the greater malefics, the long movers which will show long term progress here to these themes,..
As Pluto hit Capricorn 2008, we saw the banks blow, i.e. bog bro's cash networks,...
As Neptune hit Pisces 2010, we saw the whistleblowers blow,. i.e. big brothers intel/hypnosis networks,..
As Uranus hit Aries 2011, we saw the energy industry blow,. i.e. nuclear funding, big money!
Now lets put all this straight,. the current Euro crisis literally puts everyone back where they were at Hitlers pals mercy,.. It looks like they have had their plans all along at killing off tons of cattle class travelers etc,. So it seems all is on track for the conspiracy theorists at this point,..
But now, very interesting, for the first time i am seeing that this may be a great failing of a centuries old plan here,. Understand Pluto takes 264yrs to move around once so really we are tracking centuries progress here, we have the tools as such!
So now,.. My first inkling of failure here is that Pluto is moving 8th to that big brother Pluto Neptune in Gemini,.. Serious! So that's either them going underground,. or them meeting great difficulties,.. As per the idea that if Nuclear Industry goes bung,. if the 3rd largest world economy goes bung,.. As the money markets have too gone bung,.. Basically i am saying that Capitalism,. with Fukushima saw its death knell,.. Wow,. and amazing for a person like me to actually find a silver lining here,.. Think about this',. with the Northern-hemi dead from Cancer via radiation,.. Either the new world is moving South,. or as such, Capitalism is facing such breaking up of traditional industry lines that in fact, it cannot handle it,.. No wonder 9 Nuke plants are scheduled for South Africa!? Make loans, create money, trickle down,. whew, fiat 'normality',.. So in this observation, potential observation,. we could allude that there is reason for joy regards,..
Then the bad news or the blip on the radar,. whenever someone looses their grip there is always a flare up?. If we track Uranus further as he has just landed on Arian soil ;) and squaring Pluto for years to come, keeping tensions ratcheted well high,. War is coming as the economies fall apart,. As Uranus passes the Tauren grouping of Hitlers planets,. As per ww2 we will see another great war,.March 2016 will be the start of that war i assume, or when Uranus touches Mercury in Aries the first time,. May 2018 Uranus enters Taurus,.. By the 2021 Jupiter Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn, that's the bankers last grip attempt to legislate electrical the cash on the planet, chipping etc,..
2022 May month,.. Uranus directly hits Mars Venus of Hitlers chart,.. This will be the big kill here, how do we speak words we don't comprehend the wieght of,. forgive me, but really,.. 2021, 2022, 2023 will be the years of the big kill,..
This is as far as i can see all in motion already as Japanese radiation scours the face of the planet,. 8yrs for tumors to turn malignant,. 2011+8 is 2019,.. To roughly say that by 2020 cancer is going to be rife enough to prove Russian prophet Baba Vanga indeed correct in her predictions regards 2011 the nuclear war started, by 2020's Europe still sparsely populated from the radiation,.. She is also deceased in 1996 already if memory serves me correctly there,..
So as far as we can generalize,. its happening the firesale of Europe, then the cleansing of the land,..
Expect land grabs south of the equator as prominent brotherhood factions find aplace for their kids to grow as radiation slowly dissipates over the Northern Hemi,..
Basically,. the money electricty thing has started to be seen by me as a classic issue they never saw coming,. kind of like the self same Uranian Internet,. and again,. why in South Africa the drive was so immense to provide the population with power,.. Big brother does not exist without electricity! Think about it,. no more advertising,. no more scanners,. no more chips,. no more electronic banking, no more 'news',.. No more advertising,. n more brainwashing,..
Bring on the solar storm max 2012 2013 ;)
- a master race,..
- mass slaughter of innocent civilians,..
So it in this charts aspect to Mars and Venus that we can see the civilians and issues surrounding them,. Note too that Venus is retrograde indicating cruelty to humans,.
Aspects of chief importance are,. 4th hse square from Saturn, lord of Death! 6th hse Uranus in Libra, the new super society these kids for part of,.. But yes, these two greater aspects show the deaths and the superstate he envisaged,.
Then, off chief interst is his Moon Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn in the 3rd, ruled by Saturn, lord of Death,..
Now caprcorn is Banking industry too,. So here we start seeing the Saturnian coins, or mney pile,. as sthe same as teh pile of human bones,.. Very intersting for it starts to peel this all open,..
3rd hse is Brotherhood and peers,.. The first inklings i get are that he is the bastard son of a very wealthy banking family,. Seriously and i never ever thought that reality until pouring over this chart further,.. Then, that Pluto Neptune conjunction in Gemini, to me has always been the "big brother" conjunction of the late 19th century,.. Note how Hitler used radio and screen media so heavily,. the first great warrior to do so in our time,. Note how in his chart they are 8th hse positioned,. i.e. Hidden and lending resources,..
So,. my idea came to look at that third of 'brotherhood' and say,. hey,. that's the bankers club!? Thats the elites that fostered this child and macde him who he was,..
So,. because astrology rocks so hard, we can place that third house on the Ascendant and then track transits to it to see how things are going for the world banker brotherhood ;)
So now,.. Pluto into Capricorn is the first thing that rings a Bell,.. that xmas 2007,..
Lets maybe backtrack a little to say that if you follow Uranus transiting Hitlers chart,. as it transits Jupiter moon we roughly have the centuries first depressions and the first world war,. Recall that earth signs are resource signs,. So its the war for resources and access to these,.. People and territories are thus included here,.
Then when Uranus transits that clump of planets in Taurus,. yeap that's second world war, the whole period,.. For starts thats simply amazing to see a correspondence there,..
Now recall Uranus is the planet of networking and, you guessed it, elite brotherhood,..
Then, obviously he is dead already, but we can keep following his chart as now we are following the cabal that set him up and their business here on the planet post his death/work,..
Uranus passing his Saturn in Leo in the 1950's is obviously the setting up of the EU,.. [Leo territory and Saturn authority]
At his 84yr old Uranus return, 1971/72 and the dropping of the gold standard!?
Then as Uranus passes Capricorn again in 1989 through the great Uranus Neptune conjunction in 1993/4,.
This is all the fall of German wall, Russia and Southern Africa,.. Incredible! i.e. this is all on the same time line folks,.. i.e. this is what that banker brotherhood that supported Hitler have been working on all this time,. it's their progress bar as such,..
So now the main point of the post,.. Tracking the greater malefics, the long movers which will show long term progress here to these themes,..
As Pluto hit Capricorn 2008, we saw the banks blow, i.e. bog bro's cash networks,...
As Neptune hit Pisces 2010, we saw the whistleblowers blow,. i.e. big brothers intel/hypnosis networks,..
As Uranus hit Aries 2011, we saw the energy industry blow,. i.e. nuclear funding, big money!
Now lets put all this straight,. the current Euro crisis literally puts everyone back where they were at Hitlers pals mercy,.. It looks like they have had their plans all along at killing off tons of cattle class travelers etc,. So it seems all is on track for the conspiracy theorists at this point,..
But now, very interesting, for the first time i am seeing that this may be a great failing of a centuries old plan here,. Understand Pluto takes 264yrs to move around once so really we are tracking centuries progress here, we have the tools as such!
So now,.. My first inkling of failure here is that Pluto is moving 8th to that big brother Pluto Neptune in Gemini,.. Serious! So that's either them going underground,. or them meeting great difficulties,.. As per the idea that if Nuclear Industry goes bung,. if the 3rd largest world economy goes bung,.. As the money markets have too gone bung,.. Basically i am saying that Capitalism,. with Fukushima saw its death knell,.. Wow,. and amazing for a person like me to actually find a silver lining here,.. Think about this',. with the Northern-hemi dead from Cancer via radiation,.. Either the new world is moving South,. or as such, Capitalism is facing such breaking up of traditional industry lines that in fact, it cannot handle it,.. No wonder 9 Nuke plants are scheduled for South Africa!? Make loans, create money, trickle down,. whew, fiat 'normality',.. So in this observation, potential observation,. we could allude that there is reason for joy regards,..
Then the bad news or the blip on the radar,. whenever someone looses their grip there is always a flare up?. If we track Uranus further as he has just landed on Arian soil ;) and squaring Pluto for years to come, keeping tensions ratcheted well high,. War is coming as the economies fall apart,. As Uranus passes the Tauren grouping of Hitlers planets,. As per ww2 we will see another great war,.March 2016 will be the start of that war i assume, or when Uranus touches Mercury in Aries the first time,. May 2018 Uranus enters Taurus,.. By the 2021 Jupiter Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn, that's the bankers last grip attempt to legislate electrical the cash on the planet, chipping etc,..
2022 May month,.. Uranus directly hits Mars Venus of Hitlers chart,.. This will be the big kill here, how do we speak words we don't comprehend the wieght of,. forgive me, but really,.. 2021, 2022, 2023 will be the years of the big kill,..
This is as far as i can see all in motion already as Japanese radiation scours the face of the planet,. 8yrs for tumors to turn malignant,. 2011+8 is 2019,.. To roughly say that by 2020 cancer is going to be rife enough to prove Russian prophet Baba Vanga indeed correct in her predictions regards 2011 the nuclear war started, by 2020's Europe still sparsely populated from the radiation,.. She is also deceased in 1996 already if memory serves me correctly there,..
So as far as we can generalize,. its happening the firesale of Europe, then the cleansing of the land,..
Expect land grabs south of the equator as prominent brotherhood factions find aplace for their kids to grow as radiation slowly dissipates over the Northern Hemi,..
Basically,. the money electricty thing has started to be seen by me as a classic issue they never saw coming,. kind of like the self same Uranian Internet,. and again,. why in South Africa the drive was so immense to provide the population with power,.. Big brother does not exist without electricity! Think about it,. no more advertising,. no more scanners,. no more chips,. no more electronic banking, no more 'news',.. No more advertising,. n more brainwashing,..
Bring on the solar storm max 2012 2013 ;)
Spot on about the bastard child of a banking family. A lot of people believe that Hitler was Rothschild.
And how convenient a case the holocaust was for the establishment of the new apartheid state of isreal. "oh we have been persecuted - we need our own state so we can defend ourselves" Now if you point out that they are persecuting the palestinians who's land they occupied you are labeled anti-semitic
Compare the size of it to other continents, consider our technological age, Antarctican conditions present some challenges surely, but not enough for us to have just left such a massive chunk of land unused for so long,. Esp considering our zero activity on the Moon still 40yrs after cheerily landing there,..
Hitlers body was not even found, every famous politician at the time had their own media recorded quips regards this wee omission from the historic public mind,.. Apart from well choreographed accounts by his close personnel of his 'suicide',. Not even a dead look alike puppet dressed like Gaddafi or Hussein to drag out a gutter,. Not even a pair of sandals floating on the water :)
"In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S.,
Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica (Operation Highjump and
follow-up), but encountered heavy resistance from Nazi 'flying saucers' and
had to call off the invasion." There is a recently translated documentary out i hear,..
Southern America is even rumored to offer accessibility to the said Antarctica refuge of ze fuhrer,. [For better pronunciation of 'fuhrer' place a cotton wool ball in ones mouth during ones attempt]
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