Big Guys that’ll give us some clues,..
Three Mile Island,.. Chernobyl,. And now Japan 2007,…
Radiation Leakage’s our future undoing !?
Three Mile Island - 1979,..

Chernobyl - 1986,..

Kashiwazaki - 2007,....

First off,. I have taken TMI back to the New Moon on that evening, with Uranus Rising,… So too with Kashiwazaki,. back to Uranus Rising,..
in Chernobyl Uranus is Rising at time of incident,…
Notice the Suns relative position in each of these scopes,.. Fancy that,.. 5th House to Uranus,… Uranus’s Creative Expression,…
Notice Further over all three charts,…
Fiery Planets in Earthy Signs,. –heat below the mantle exposed,… Radiation Within,..
Notice Early Earth Signs,…
Mars Between Cernobyl and Kashiwazaki,.. 14 and 16 deg Earth signs,.. How close !?,..
Uranus also 19 to 23 deg thru all three scopes,..
Saturn tends toward early Virgo,. And Chernobyl Saturn exact Square TMI Saturn,..
Jupiter 9th in two of three,.. Moon trine Jupiter in all three,..

Chernobyl - 1986,..

Kashiwazaki - 2007,....

First off,. I have taken TMI back to the New Moon on that evening, with Uranus Rising,… So too with Kashiwazaki,. back to Uranus Rising,..
in Chernobyl Uranus is Rising at time of incident,…
Notice the Suns relative position in each of these scopes,.. Fancy that,.. 5th House to Uranus,… Uranus’s Creative Expression,…
Notice Further over all three charts,…
Fiery Planets in Earthy Signs,. –heat below the mantle exposed,… Radiation Within,..
Notice Early Earth Signs,…
Mars Between Cernobyl and Kashiwazaki,.. 14 and 16 deg Earth signs,.. How close !?,..
Uranus also 19 to 23 deg thru all three scopes,..
Saturn tends toward early Virgo,. And Chernobyl Saturn exact Square TMI Saturn,..
Jupiter 9th in two of three,.. Moon trine Jupiter in all three,..
[786Extremities live Stupid Hunch] ThreeMileIsland was about firing an EM weapon,… And they blew the terminal in the process,… Like tone it down a bit there, people might notice,..
How the heck did I get there!?
Ahh,. Aries New Moon,.. Mars in Pisces trine Uranus,… On one hand we can see the Water contamination around the Island,.. or is there a weapon Under its Waters,..!?
And you look at the arrangement of planets,.. Perfectly aiming through the bigger planets top left focus through Pluto Libra,.. The First Big Weather Mod Horoscopes are Pluto Libra, I remember,.. Pluto covers USA’s Saturn in Libra
Interesting to know.
See the progressed Fukushima date from this chart arrives at 20 July 2007,. Moon rising 3 Libra then at 13 Libra, '10mnths' later, a pentagonal arrangement for Moon, Sun, Mars, N.Node, Pluto,.. That's of interest,.
If a sunspot did let of a big x-class flare and burnt out a hemisphere of the globe while the other was in the shadow, interesting as to how development would go on from there with 'half' the world cut of from modernity and the rest of the globe for a fair bit of time,.
Pluto is such a dang interesting body,. One would swear it is not a planet, but it turns up in the most interesting places,..
27 July 2007 and Moon is with Pluto with all the bodies experiencing 5th harmonic relations,.
Hazard a guess it's influence always being so 'evil' that it must be a space ship camouflaged as a piece of rock debris,. That series V back in the 80's, Pluto governs reptiles after all,.
Whats thee most obvious space cammo!?
An asteroid!?
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