Rath: 'Apartheid was a pharmaceutical plot'
The apartheid regime was part of a global plot by the pharmaceutical industry, according to vitamin entrepreneur Dr Matthias Rath.

He said in an affidavit filed in the Cape High Court: "This regime was the political arm to turn South Africa into a bridgehead of the pharmaceutical interests with the goal to conquer and control the entire African continent."
Stick that in your pipe and Smoke it if you don't think we are all but victims of some greater International Corperate plot,...

He said in an affidavit filed in the Cape High Court: "This regime was the political arm to turn South Africa into a bridgehead of the pharmaceutical interests with the goal to conquer and control the entire African continent."
Stick that in your pipe and Smoke it if you don't think we are all but victims of some greater International Corperate plot,...
He also said the operations of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) were "almost a copy" of Hitler's brown-shirt storm troopers.
The affidavit was lodged in reply to an application by TAC and the South African Medical Association for an order against Rath and his Dr Rath Health Foundation Africa. They have asked the court to interdict Rath from distributing unregistered medicines, conducting unauthorised clinical trials and making false claims about multivitamins in advertisements.
In his 320-page affidavit, accompanied by eight lever-arch files of documents, Rath said that after eliminating competition from the field of natural health and consolidating its global interests during World War II, pharmaceutical interests had dedicated the second half of the 20th century to cementing their global monopoly on health.
"The apartheid regime in South Africa was part of this global strategy," he said. "The apartheid regime became its political stakeholder."
He said that after World War II, thousands of high-ranking Nazi party members used the "corporate channels" of the massive German chemical-manufacturing conglomerate IG Farben to find safe haven in South Africa, where IG Farben had established subsidiaries. Also seeking refuge in this country were thousands of IG Farben managers who had participated in war crimes.
"Together with their ongoing economic interests -- namely chemical/pharmaceutical business interests -- they brought their extensive 'know how' in building and 'managing' a totalitarian regime to South Africa.
"Much the same as previously in Europe, their goal was to establish a dictatorship serving these corporate interests while keeping the majority of the population 'under control'," Rath said.
The chemical and pharmaceutical industry became the economic pillar of the apartheid regime, and South Africa became a stronghold for pharmaceutical companies.
Rath said the goal of the "brown shirts" had been to destabilise a democratically elected German government on behalf of corporate interests and their political stakeholders. The TAC's goal, he said, was to attack the South African government, destabilise the political situation and establish a new political leadership that would voluntarily spend millions on "toxic" antiretroviral drugs.
The court case was to have started last month, but was postponed because Rath filed his affidavit 13 months late.
Rath, who appears to have the tacit support of ailing Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, has come under fire for suggesting that vitamins are preferable to antiretrovirals as a treatment for Aids. His own vitamin products have been handed out free in Khayelitsha in Cape Town, which the TAC says is illegal. -- Sapa
Legal judgements against Rath
A number of successful court cases have been brought against Dr. Rath for violating advertising standards, defaming his critics, and making false allegations about pharmaceutical firms.
* In 2000, the Court of Almelo in the Netherlands ordered Rath to stop making unfounded, false, and defamatory statements about the Dutch pharmaceutical company Numico.[11]
* In 2002, the British Advertising Standards Authority found that advertisements by Rath contained a series of misleading and false claims and ordered the claims removed.[12]
* In 2002, the United States Food and Drug Administration notified Dr. Rath that he was promoting his supplements in a manner that violated the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, by making claims of efficacy without undergoing the appropriate scientific and regulatory review.[13]
* In 2005, the Advertising Standards Association of South Africa (ASASA) issued three separate rulings against Dr. Rath, finding that he had made false and misleading claims regarding the effectiveness of his supplements and ordering him to immediately withdraw the inappropriate advertisements. Rath disregarded the ruling and continued the misleading advertisements, leading the ASASA to rule that, "in light of the gravity of [Rath's] breeches", he was required to submit all further advertising to the ASASA for prior approval.[14]
* In 2006, the High Court of South Africa found that Dr. Rath had defamed the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), an AIDS non-profit organization, by publicly making false and misleading statements about the TAC. Rath was ordered to cease his defamatory remarks "to ensure that the TAC's continued participation in the debate is not hamstrung by defamatory and unfounded allegations."[15]
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