perhaps a massive opportunity point!?..
Been following Sunspots through Heliocentric planetary arrangements for a while now,.. [J.H. Nelson RCA]
Sept 11 2001 Came to mind what with the Heliocentric chart is rather of interest as it displays 2012 related day for year time frames,.. I post here the North Tower
and the day for year where The earth enters Aries by around the 29th of February 2013,..
Initially when i was toying with the date,. It seems perhaps in line with 06 November 2012 i am interested in, there is a rather interesting arrangement there,. I will put it in here so you can see literally a near on perfect pentagonal arrangement [in blue] by none other than all our inner five solar system, bodies that we can see with our eyes, without a telescope,.
Note Mercuries position as fastest mover coming through late Pisces Aries there,.
Note how earth in the Sept 11 progressed chart for 2011, 12, sits around late Pisces,.
Aries is the first point of fire, its a pretty primal place, you know you are walking in the park a and heaven forbid a stray dog races across the park and savages your leg, lets go thankfully and now, the worlds a little different right now, this moment, you can smell blood perhaps, adrenaline has kicked in,. Say you walked to the park and driving in a car is not an immediate option available,.. That's an early Aries kind of high octane situation really,.. first point of light, Arian Spring, pain of birth,. Uranus into Aries in 2011 was timed perfectly to Fukushima Daiichi's flash of light which still lights up the eastern Asian seaboard through this very day,.. We really can see there is often a vicious bump there in early Aries,..
See this S+P500 Graph from 19hottentot through till today,..
That camel hump to the right,. that's called a double top,. If you saw that on smaller timeframe charts you would know, in the trading world that means the price cannot crack that ceiling and well, if anything we are coming up here to touch a very long moving average perhaps, but as such, that puppy should not technically be able to pass the double camel hump before it,. They been whipping this pony since 1995 already, its a tired old camel,.
What is that double camel hump? I thought everything in the financial magi land was just hunky dory? Well those two humps are the 2000 DotCom pop and the 2007 Housing double pop,. 9/11 was the first lifeline thrown at the corporations, Iraq invasion of March 2003 the markets turn,... Markets literally responding to the USA annihilating innocent Iraqis,.. You can see march 2003 is between 2000 and 2005 on that graph,. As such pointing to the military industrial underpinnings of the market place, which one supposes is nothing new in all reality,.. Go to the page yourself and see,...
So yes, this Osama, oop sorry, Obama election that crackles over such tender sticks in time in the modern 'civilised' world,...
What i am saying is that all this 2012 2013 stuff fits with a harmonic along line 9/11 was on,. 9/11 being a echo along the time stream indicating something up ahead,. A great disorder in the world of money supply!?..
"Anyone get some tungsten in their gold!?" - Just wondering,.. i'm kinda feeling left out, mine are all fresh gold filings coming out,.
This whole 'crisis' is a potentially massive opportunity point as ol HenryK loves musing,.. We should look at Gold standard charts perhaps but i'm hunching here that somethings got to give with Fiat cash, white collars running a slave trade on regular peoples freedoms!? Would Wall Street will pull Obama's shorts down in public? Force his hand with a wobbly marketplace? The markets technical analysis points this way on its own,.
After all this time and apparent technology we can still not harness lightening for power? This is all mouse wheel and whip stuff,. End of the world may very well be what Orwell and co. were on about,. Oh bring us a solar flare that wipes the computers, "Hey, where'd all our money go!?" - Please be patient we are experiencing technical difficulties,..
From that point on its Camp David for all as the military industrial complex run the political show without all this election yuff yuff,..
Mind you, honestly, the slower you pull your hand, the better the hold on the face,. This game has played out for so long, there is no reason to push anything, developments will be noted, by crikey, interesting USA election,..
Sept 11 2001 Came to mind what with the Heliocentric chart is rather of interest as it displays 2012 related day for year time frames,.. I post here the North Tower
Initially when i was toying with the date,. It seems perhaps in line with 06 November 2012 i am interested in, there is a rather interesting arrangement there,. I will put it in here so you can see literally a near on perfect pentagonal arrangement [in blue] by none other than all our inner five solar system, bodies that we can see with our eyes, without a telescope,.
Note Mercuries position as fastest mover coming through late Pisces Aries there,.
Note how earth in the Sept 11 progressed chart for 2011, 12, sits around late Pisces,.
Aries is the first point of fire, its a pretty primal place, you know you are walking in the park a and heaven forbid a stray dog races across the park and savages your leg, lets go thankfully and now, the worlds a little different right now, this moment, you can smell blood perhaps, adrenaline has kicked in,. Say you walked to the park and driving in a car is not an immediate option available,.. That's an early Aries kind of high octane situation really,.. first point of light, Arian Spring, pain of birth,. Uranus into Aries in 2011 was timed perfectly to Fukushima Daiichi's flash of light which still lights up the eastern Asian seaboard through this very day,.. We really can see there is often a vicious bump there in early Aries,..
See this S+P500 Graph from 19hottentot through till today,..
That camel hump to the right,. that's called a double top,. If you saw that on smaller timeframe charts you would know, in the trading world that means the price cannot crack that ceiling and well, if anything we are coming up here to touch a very long moving average perhaps, but as such, that puppy should not technically be able to pass the double camel hump before it,. They been whipping this pony since 1995 already, its a tired old camel,.
What is that double camel hump? I thought everything in the financial magi land was just hunky dory? Well those two humps are the 2000 DotCom pop and the 2007 Housing double pop,. 9/11 was the first lifeline thrown at the corporations, Iraq invasion of March 2003 the markets turn,... Markets literally responding to the USA annihilating innocent Iraqis,.. You can see march 2003 is between 2000 and 2005 on that graph,. As such pointing to the military industrial underpinnings of the market place, which one supposes is nothing new in all reality,.. Go to the page yourself and see,...
So yes, this Osama, oop sorry, Obama election that crackles over such tender sticks in time in the modern 'civilised' world,...
- This long term 'double top' in the markets,.
- Quantitative easing literally having built this last attempt at breaking a +10yr pattern in major markets,..
- The ponzi 'terrorist' Anglo take over of North Africa and the Middle East,..
- European stability its-very-self on the threshold as technocrats attempt a shot at the mainline blood supply,..
What i am saying is that all this 2012 2013 stuff fits with a harmonic along line 9/11 was on,. 9/11 being a echo along the time stream indicating something up ahead,. A great disorder in the world of money supply!?..
"Anyone get some tungsten in their gold!?" - Just wondering,.. i'm kinda feeling left out, mine are all fresh gold filings coming out,.
This whole 'crisis' is a potentially massive opportunity point as ol HenryK loves musing,.. We should look at Gold standard charts perhaps but i'm hunching here that somethings got to give with Fiat cash, white collars running a slave trade on regular peoples freedoms!? Would Wall Street will pull Obama's shorts down in public? Force his hand with a wobbly marketplace? The markets technical analysis points this way on its own,.
After all this time and apparent technology we can still not harness lightening for power? This is all mouse wheel and whip stuff,. End of the world may very well be what Orwell and co. were on about,. Oh bring us a solar flare that wipes the computers, "Hey, where'd all our money go!?" - Please be patient we are experiencing technical difficulties,..
From that point on its Camp David for all as the military industrial complex run the political show without all this election yuff yuff,..
Mind you, honestly, the slower you pull your hand, the better the hold on the face,. This game has played out for so long, there is no reason to push anything, developments will be noted, by crikey, interesting USA election,..
Ah there you go, didn't take long to find news chiming in there regards,.
All banks of the euro area will be subject to joint control mechanism by 2014
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Somebody mention a gal called Sandra?
Search Tom Bearden Weather Warfare Scalar technology that Nicola Tesla developed under the funding of JP Morgan,.. Until JP of course realized that Tesla's distribution of energy could not be 'billed',..
Tsk tsk,. Run Forrest run,.
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