Saturn into Scorpio Nominations,.
Seeing as we have awaited this 30yr marker for a while now, the newsfeeds sure are chiming in,.. We may as well hold a Saturn into Scorpio competition,. In doing so, we would of course have to line up our devilish contestants, well seeing as Saturn in Scorpio is such a dark arrangement,.. For instance,. Saturn the old man, preferably dead, Scorpio of sex and too death and transition,. In the case of Jimmy Savile, the images are stark, dark emotional control, lies, deception, massive trust issues, the geezer is even dead, Saturn, under the ground, cold and maggot infested,. Well,. Post maggot infested, All Saturn and Scorpio imagery amazingly,. So yes he spawned this venture on,.. Following him close behind lets not underestimate the weight of these utterly Saturn in Scorpio issues coming out of late,. Ah that reminds me, tungsten in the gold bars could be a contender, lets add her to the list,..
BBC's Jimmy Savile sex predator,.
The BBC Is Being Shaken To Its Core By An Enormous Sex Abuse Scandal
Barclays LIBOR fixing
The LIBOR scandal is being called the "Wall Street scandal of all scandals" and the "rotten heart of finance,"
HSBC money laundering
Notice: Chinatungsten Online (Xiamen) Manu.& Sales Corp. is a very professional and serious company, specializing in manufacturing and selling tungsten fake gold coin and other tungsten related products for more than two decades. We are a professional tungsten fake gold coin manufacturer. Our tungsten gold fake coin is only for souvenir and decoration purpose. Here we declare: Please do not use our tungsten fake gold coin and other fake gold coin products for any illegal purpose. We can provide all kinds of tungsten fake gold coin as your requirements.Our tungsten fake gold coin products are qualified.
I mean,. how ridiculous is that,. hahaha,. "Here we declare,. Please do not use our FAKE gold coins",.. as,.. bwahahaha,. Go there read the article, or go the the companies page yourself,..
"Detecting a high-quality tungsten fake gold bar would be extremely difficult. It would likely require significant and material alterations to the bar being tested and this would negatively affect the marketability if its hallmark veracity were vindicated."
Too much really,.. I wonder who will be decided the eventual winner, hell forbid who the next entrants might be,.. Nominations gladly accepted,.
BBC's Sir Jimmy Savile Knighted sex predator in the grave
Barclays and the delicious LIBOR monster tree
the fabulous incredible 24/7 HSBC Laundromat
Buy your authentic fake gold bars here ;)
BBC's Jimmy Savile sex predator,.
The BBC Is Being Shaken To Its Core By An Enormous Sex Abuse Scandal
Barclays LIBOR fixing
The LIBOR scandal is being called the "Wall Street scandal of all scandals" and the "rotten heart of finance,"
HSBC money laundering
Get Your Fake Tungsten-Filled Gold Coins Here Chinatungsten Online (Xiamen) Manu.& Sales Corp. is a very professional and serious company, specializing in manufacturing and selling tungsten fake gold coin and other tungsten related products for more than two decades. We are a professional tungsten fake gold coin manufacturer. Our tungsten gold fake coin is only for souvenir and decoration purpose. Here we declare: Please do not use our tungsten fake gold coin and other fake gold coin products for any illegal purpose. We can provide all kinds of tungsten fake gold coin as your requirements.Our tungsten fake gold coin products are qualified.
I mean,. how ridiculous is that,. hahaha,. "Here we declare,. Please do not use our FAKE gold coins",.. as,.. bwahahaha,. Go there read the article, or go the the companies page yourself,..
"Detecting a high-quality tungsten fake gold bar would be extremely difficult. It would likely require significant and material alterations to the bar being tested and this would negatively affect the marketability if its hallmark veracity were vindicated."
Too much really,.. I wonder who will be decided the eventual winner, hell forbid who the next entrants might be,.. Nominations gladly accepted,.
Sinkhole 52,000 gallons mystery crude oil collected, shocking growth exposed.
Now that's also very plutonian Scorpio kinda imagery, hole in the ground, black stuff coming out, fossil fuels,..
Sure is glaring us in the face at present,..
Africa’s 'leadership crisis' - we have more agency than we think,. by Jay Naidoo
After the Mo Ibrahim Foundation failed to award its annual leadership prize in London yesterday, it prompted analysts to ask whether this means the African continent is failing. Maybe, but that’s not the whole answer.
Saturnian Authority figures are lacking the world over at this stage of the 21st century ;)
You can't play the 'happy game' without hope and expectations
The respected Economist, with its rigorous research and impeccable journalism, chooses to expose our shame and the deterioration of our country on its front page. It even compares the present state of decline with a more positive view of conditions during the “loathsome Apartheid” years.
We cringe. It is like a family that has sheltered a pervert, or has hidden a crime, suddenly now out in the open: the whole world sees the extent of the shame spelled out in vivid reality.
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Impeach Zuma, says Cope
Congress of the People leader Mosiuoa Lekota told MPs the president's office had, on Friday, “defied an order, by the Supreme Court of Appeal, to hand over the abbreviated transcripts of the tapes that permitted criminal charges to be dropped or withdrawn against himself”.
He was referring to the refusal to release transcripts of the secret recordings which were the basis of the decision to drop corruption, fraud and racketeering charges against Zuma in early 2009.
Lekota said Zuma was bound by his oath of office to obey, respect and uphold the Constitution.
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'How big is your oven?': US police officer planned to kidnap and eat women
"During one online conversation that took place in July between Valle and the unidentified co-conspirator, the complaint says, Valle was asked "how big is your oven?"
Valle allegedly answered: "Big enough to fit one of these girls if I folded their legs."
Further discussing the culinary aspects of the plot, the co-conspirator allegedly asked Valle what his "favourite cut of meat" was and advised against using a spit over a fire.
"Spitting kills the girl. Have to put her into a kind of cage," the co-conspirator wrote.
"I was thinking of tying her body onto some kind of apparatus," Valle allegedly responds. "Cook her over a low heat, keep her alive as long as possible.""
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At the time, a grinning Sir Jimmy explained: “I’ve had a few nosh-ups with the royals and I thought it was time I returned the hospitality.”
If you read that correctly, given the gals back in Scotland were the return of hospitable 'nosh-ups' he had with the 'royals',.
The Head Butler and his Pedophile ring ;)
As we said, when you find one Scorpion, generally there are a few to be found close by,.
Turns out Jimmy is a 'fixer' for high profile pedophiles,. In fact British politicians seems to get caught slacks around their ankles with kiddies in the room rather often,.
So the idea is that all the media will bring to you, 'Jimmy the Pedo' meanstwhile, 'Jimmy the Fixer' lies just below the surface,..
In 1999, an international investigation of child pornographers and paedophiles run by Britain's National Criminal Intelligence Service, code named Operation Ore, resulted in 7,250 suspects being identified in the United Kingdom alone.......
In early 2003, British police began to close in on some top suspects in the Operation Ore investigation, including senior members of Blair's government.......
However, Blair issued a D-Notice, resulting in a gag order on the press from publishing any details of the investigation. Blair cited the impending war in Iraq as a reason for the D-Notice. Police also discovered links between British Labour government paedophile suspects and the trafficking of children for purposes of prostitution from Belgium and Portugal (including young boys from the Casa Pia orphanage in Portugal).
What i think is on the go another level below these,..
The money powers, centuries ago, in trying to coerce Kings and Popes to borrow money from them instead of printing their own, as they always did,.
The money powers sought to infiltrate their morals, first presenting them with women, getting some witnesses involved, coercing government proceedings,..
So now, as an elite or exec or however, you get invited to a ball or two, then perhaps a second invite to some 'morally unwinding' stuff,..
As such, once you get a snapshot or two of yourself slacks down with someone other than your good wife,.. You will start to do what the money power asks you to do during your office hours in parliament,..
As such, any habit or addiction if fed sufficiently can go a whole lot further than anticipated, the more you want them to do for you, the more sordid the mess you lure them into,..
Think popes and priests,. Whats their simplest weakness, celibacy,..
Men of the people in government structures? Why does one assume the IMF chief has a posse of hookers on board!? Have some fun lads while my boys snap some shots, of y'all with them slacks down,. Tomorrow at negotiations slipped in with your days papers, yeap, a nice photo album for the press if you dare not sign free trade treaty 666,..
Having read all the way back to King Charles and the Dutch money lenders, King William taking the thrown and the Coinage act of 1666,.
Infiltrate the leaders of men, imagine pictures appear of Charlie, slacks down with kids in the room,.. Sure the Queen will do anything to keep her boy out the press,.. Keep her home from being burnt to the ground,..
So it's a whole big blackmail story, the threat of being cast out society,.. Scorpio,. The power of secrets,..
Jimmy Savile the Fixer,.. Not Jimmy Savile the Pedo,.
Recall Eliot Spitzer was revealed to have billed with an Escort hours after completing interviews regards Bush Admin led Housing Bubble,..
So yes, all the characters emerging from the woodwork, the whole of it looks more something like that i might perhaps suggest,..
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