Rath: 'Apartheid was a pharmaceutical plot', Big Guys that’ll give us some clues,..
Three Mile Island,.. Chernobyl,. And now Japan 2007,…
Radiation Leakage’s our future undoing !?, JFK ,9/11 and the Military Industrial Complex, Pentagon Ground Breaking Ceremony 1941and 2012 RF Event connected !?,..., the Art of Astrology - Extreme"/>

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Rath: 'Apartheid was a pharmaceutical plot'

The apartheid regime was part of a global plot by the pharmaceutical industry, according to vitamin entrepreneur Dr Matthias Rath.

He said in an affidavit filed in the Cape High Court: "This regime was the political arm to turn South Africa into a bridgehead of the pharmaceutical interests with the goal to conquer and control the entire African continent."

Stick that in your pipe and Smoke it if you don't think we are all but victims of some greater International Corperate plot,...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Big Guys that’ll give us some clues,..
Three Mile Island,.. Chernobyl,. And now Japan 2007,…
Radiation Leakage’s our future undoing !?

Three Mile Island - 1979,..

Chernobyl - 1986,..

Kashiwazaki - 2007,....

First off,. I have taken TMI back to the New Moon on that evening, with Uranus Rising,… So too with Kashiwazaki,. back to Uranus Rising,..
in Chernobyl Uranus is Rising at time of incident,…

Notice the Suns relative position in each of these scopes,.. Fancy that,.. 5th House to Uranus,… Uranus’s Creative Expression,…

Notice Further over all three charts,…
Fiery Planets in Earthy Signs,. –heat below the mantle exposed,… Radiation Within,..
Notice Early Earth Signs,…

Mars Between Cernobyl and Kashiwazaki,.. 14 and 16 deg Earth signs,.. How close !?,..
Uranus also 19 to 23 deg thru all three scopes,..
Saturn tends toward early Virgo,. And Chernobyl Saturn exact Square TMI Saturn,..
Jupiter 9th in two of three,.. Moon trine Jupiter in all three,..

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

JFK ,9/11 and the Military Industrial Complex

Jfk's Chart Progressed to the famous 4th July,.. Like he should be a good role model for this American theme,...

Lunar Eclipse,.. Venus Saturn Neptune Leo,.. Marylyn,.. Mercury Pluto the Magician,..
He saw things 10yrs before his passing, that were the reason for his passing,..
This is a Satanic Ceremony type horoscope,. this is Marylin as a Bohemian Grove Pickup Girl,.. [live on 786Extreme - OTT Warning]

Look how 1963 progressed year for his death,..

is Moon to Jupiter,.. Gemini,... Siblings,..
And Pluto Neptune of 1893,... This is the Big Brother Conjunction of our time,. 1892
And how this one performs,..
Look how Mercury Ruler of Gemini Has Progressed From Pluto to Passed the Sun by this year,.. Pluto's way,. Pluto is Industrialized theme,. And Military,. and Fossil Fuel,.. and Corporation,.. and Trance Abusers, Hypnotism,...

Jfk Death scope,.
The assassination of John F. Kennedy, took place on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, USA at 12:30 PM
Moon Saturn Rising in Aquarius,..

Americas Moon is here in Aquarius,..
The true extent of freedom in America,..

And wow, look see fancy that,.. the progression for his Time of Shooting,... To 2001 !!

Lunar eclipse,... fancy that,.. look at the Ominous Date,..
What Date they necklace Saddam on,..!? Full Moon Square to a rising Jupiter in Aries Ascending,.. Grab a text book and read Jupiter in Aries up,... WAR WAR WAR,..

definite Military Industrial Complex Job this,....

then look to 9 Capricorn, and Pluto into Capricorn 2008/2009,...
Hmmm,.. Bush/Cheney ~ Hitler/Goebels,..

Who the heck says they didn’t do reincarnation shite with these guys,..
i mean if that 4th July Horoscope of JFK's speaks of these ceremonies etc etc,.. an all the occult yada,.. imagine true occult stylie,.. We reincarnate our evil dudes,... We like recycle bad spirits within our society,..

Well besides the whack job,..
we got JFK's Assasination linked to 9/11,... Fancy that,…

sorry,.. just what was JFK warning the American People about?,...

Pentagon Ground Breaking Ceremony 1941and 2012 RF Event connected !?,...

Pentagon 8 Sept 1941,..
Why 8 Sept, and not the Lunar Eclipse of 5 Sept, or the Actual 11th Sept,...
Because,. after the Eclipse the moon passes the First planet Mars,. 24 Aries,..
So the Whole Shape,.. This day is a good day,. and leaves us with,. A New Moon Opposite Saturn Uranus,. which Govern the whole RF thing,. the Solar relationship with the Galaxy,...
Late Scorpio,... Thats an RF event,..
Not really a bomb,. But an Erasing Mechanism,... EM Bomb,...
Well i don't really know,. im just having fun an speculating,.. But it does look Big RF,. and it is Progressed Pentagon 1941,.. And it Narrows in on 2012,..
A good Feature is the Early Cancer Ascendant for this Washington New Moon,..
The Mars Position For Christmas 2012,. Which also seems to point in on 2012,..