WW3 - routing out of the dark recesses,.. , the Art of Astrology - Extreme"/>

Thursday, January 02, 2014

WW3 - routing out of the dark recesses,..



First point - If  WW2 was the first mind war heavily employing electronic media 'propaganda' to win the 'hearts and minds' of the civilian classes, imagine the extent to which your mind will be employed in WW3 without your apparent consent,..

Second Point - Most wars are indeed proxy wars fought by large corporate investor classes as their fields of assets shift over the course of time,..

Third point -  Asymmetrical warfare is perhaps a binding clause of any world war, a war fought on many fronts simultaneously,.. i.e. your ability to pin down the good guy and the bad guy are reasonably reduced to less than zero in many respects given points one and two are mostly employed to keep these basic underlyings from any 'willing participants',..

Planetary arrangements particular to 2014,.
This could be the big one folks, without any exaggeration, if you have followed me over the years you will have read how Pluto's entrance into Capricorn in 2008 set the stage for the development of further major asset thefts the world over,..

Going back a few Pluto Capricorns then,.

1024 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rus%27%E2%80%93Byzantine_War_%281024%29

1270 Election of Rudolph I of Germany as King of Germany over Otakar II of Bohemia in 1273 led to open war in 1276 and Otakar's death in 1278 at the climactic Battle of Marchfeld. The resultant power structure in central Europe firmly established the Habsburg dynasty's rule, one that would continue in Austria and other regional territories until the end of World War I in 1918 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1270s

1516 Hernan Cortez lands onto the mainland of Mexico and Spaniards found the city of Panama, he reaches the capital of the Aztec empire, Tenochtitlan, and captures the emperor, Montezuma,. Leading to Aug 1521 where Cortez defeats the Aztecs and conquers their capital Tenochtitlan,.

1762 Independence of USA kicks off with the Repeal of the Stamp Act, where Parliament tried to tax the colonies in 1767 by raising import duties, which led to the Boston Tea party, the Intolerable acts, the Quebec act, and the war of independence in thru 1776

2008 World reserve banks decide to throw the common man under the bus and after a derivatives fuelled bubble of note is allowed to bloom and bust whilst wholly denying any culpability at any stage along its way,.. Stupidity/'there was no way we could have known' being the ultimate ruse with Alan Greenspan and Ben CTRL-P Bernanke the actors on stage at the time,.. Note the symbolic shift from the oversized glasses, academic intellectualism of Greenspan to the balding yet bearded modern independent investor look of Bernanke,..

Why these planetary factors are of any consequence at all is that,..
Capricorn is the Zodiac of established systems, civilisations, Babylon as established cities, empires and countries,..
Pluto is the 246yr cyclic rock that symbolises volcanic eruption like absolute revolutions,..

1519, 1767, 2014 are further of great interest within these periods because these are years within those periods where, on New Years Day, there is a New Moon and within a degree of Pluto,..
Why this is of any import is obviously that we have the synchronising of two cyclic resets, the Moon cycle and the Year cycle,.. Read about application of ratios "day for year" in astrology to understand how this has far longer term implications than a mere 30day lunar cycle,.

I am obviously trying to keep from my regular style rant here, see below for the swing into that though,..

Another point is that Venus is retrograde in our New Years skies as well, which Mayans termed the 'Call to war' occuring once every 584 or so days,.. Note the Northern Rock engineered banking failure occurred as Venus went direct in 2007,.. She will turn direct again now by early February,.. This highlights March month as particularly tricky with regards,. On outset of the 'credit crisis' we stated such was the seed bed for war and such would be 5 years or so in the making,..

Besides this we have constantly been forecasting January through APril to be pronouncedly aggressive for a particular great square configuration in the skies between Pluto Uranus Jupiter and Mars,.. This alignment cannot be understated by any means,. The square being the hardest of all planetary arrangements, the most contrasting, like those stations of the Sun daily, the seasons yearly,.. They can offer fabulous opportunities for growth and development, but such by no means comes easily,..

So as such, March month is littered even with a high incidence of predicted Solar Storm activity,. We would have to be warning, that if this New Year, New Moon Pluto etc conflagration means anything, Jan thru April will see it unfold and my guess if War is coming between particular parties mentioned below then late March April would perhaps see its surfacing,..

Japan, the Korea's, China seems like a powder keg waiting to take off with USA, UK, and France as their ultimate 'oh we are so innocent' provocateurs,. Obviously we would have to add Syria, Saudi, Qatar Israel to the mix, but yes, given the seedbed for all this is the financial crisis, sarc/recovery ;) It will certainly pit USA and Chine Square at each others throats,.. Given these two are the key world currency players on the scene at present, USA being on the way out with the most to lose and CHina on the way in with the most to gain,..Well lose if they don't actually pull something off to save their ill spent dollar reserves,..
Further, Japans inclusion seems to be both Finance and Fukushima related, with the Industrial event ruining the Japanese economy to such extent that will further force the nations hand to kick off a conflict before it's economy collapses,..  It is understood by many that the entire island is littered with Plutonium, Strontium etc etc and as such, literally soiled to the point of no return, a fact well hidden from msm given the very eventuality it points starkly towards,. One of the worlds key economies is seeing a re-flash event,..

As for the theatre of conflict, apart from the disputed Senkaku Islands,..  Africa, Sudan, CAR could be the battle ground that finds too many opposing nations in close proximity yet very far from their native lands,..  http://mg.co.za/article/2013-12-26-china-to-send-envoy-to-s-sudan/ A country forced through a split through years of Anglo meddling,..  Africa is the most carved up continent and why? Because simply put the world peerage are known psychopathic meddlers and African tribal leaders are known psychopathic sellouts,..

As the world fiscus is liquidated by the Fed Reserve Bankings juggernaut QE enterprise, there has to be a last dash and grab for the last remaining assets,.. Besides Chinese buying out Detroit real estate, really on macro levels, countries are forced to participate as their ultimate survival is at stake,. Land is most probably the only thing still deemed a lauded asset class,.. 

Are we seeing Anglo-Chinese warfare in multiple theatres in 2014?.. Some folks assume this could be postponed http://atimes.com/atimes/China/CHIN-02-231213.html but as such my thoughts as are that western powers love a good powwow and well Africa could certainly draw China in,..

Below i offer the regular substandard vitriol which perhaps keeps many folks at arms length from my services,. I will however include these here as much SA and other content is therein to be found,..

What certainly seems to be of interest lately if my keen ear to the ground is set firm enough to the gravel, is the emerging 'pundits paradise' where every Joe Soap seems to be a commentator when few actually independently follow enough newsflows or historically analyse newsfeeds to actually comment worthily, independently,..

Perhaps the greater media hypnotic entrainment incorporates feel good cues that folks are well informed and critically minded,.. I mean for instance, to hear peeps parroting 'reasonably' defined think tank agendas without even realising it,. Of how for instance, 'the world is far too populated', 'don't you know?',. One stares jaw a-gasp in disbelief as they really think that is their own opinion and not some cleverly designed technocratic thought policing agenda,.. Recently i just had to counter a local neighbourly parrot with the stark retort, "you are quite right Joe,  there is only enough room for the 1%" lol the astonished look and silence in reply spoke volumes,.. I had had it, why must i suffer in silence whilst folks bandy about well funded covert globalist agendas craftily placed in their minds by an oh so innocent media,. Literally any one percenter in our country has a country resort to which the run off to over the holiday season, and what? Are they literally that blind to see the tracts of vacant land they travel through, the vast hundreds of kilometres worth of, duh yeah you guessed it, most absolutely uninhabited lands out there?..

Don't make me puke, folks assume to possess critical thinking, media spews soundbites informing the masses as to their astute levels of being critically informed,.. Can you spell Baloney!?.. Utter baloney people,..

John Pilgers fitting documentary again comes to mind for instance, "Apartheid did not die" http://johnpilger.com/videos/apartheid-did-not-die
….and wow how that piece of rational journalism has been proven accurate time and again these last two decades, yet the whole nation if not planet swoons the death of a man who sold an entire indigenous population of Southern Africa down the corporate river,.. SANRAL eTolling as final proof there,..

I dare folks to watch it and still challenge the reality that the worlds mega corporations pulled off the humanitarian spin of the century all for the personal profits of shareholder interests,.. Furthermore, before you vomit more well placed globalist hypno-babble, do note as Pilger aptly points out, it was the British Cecil John Rhodes who initially pressed the SA Indigenous peoples into 'reserves' in this beautiful land,.. Not the flawed globalist media inspired suggestion to the contrary implicating Afrikaaners in this misdeed,.. The more you watch Sharpville footage and consider the reality that this was an act of big corporations essentially using the Government of the day and their Police/Defence forces as foot soldiers for their private shareholders cause,. Sincerely only one reality emerges, a sublimely satanic capitalist orgy ensuing,.. We are all utterly hypnotised here,..

War is peace,.
Freedom is slavery,.

Patriotism is the squealing like a pig where a Barrack Hussein Osama, duh Obama, [who makes this stuff up?] wins the Nobel peace prize before going after whistleblower after whistleblower in the ultimate TMO showdown of the century,.

In such light one cannot but fail to see how the ANC's perhaps chief motive in the timing of that final Mandela press release was cued to SANRALS dompas like toll collections in Gauteng,.. http://www.politicsweb.co.za/politicsweb/view/politicsweb/en/page71619?oid=478936&sn=Marketingweb+detail

Say it ain't so! Can no one here perform basic math any more? The most rudimentary toll plaza is a virtual money printing machine, do the maths, what on earth is on the go here?.. IMO interest bearing loans are the roots of all this evil as money was just money before private shareholders took a liking to their piece of the pie,.. My consideration here is that in selling bonds or taking loans, big corporates like SANRAL, in stead of rasing funds, saving like every other Joe would rationally do, no they take out a loan, an interest bearing loan to build, maintain public, repeat public infrastructure,.. This has the satanic effect that as such, a ghastly percent of interest, money that can come from nowhere else but peoples hard work and labour, must be generated in order to pay back such a maintenance/infrastructure loan,.. But thats just how the business world works sonny, you might hear the pundits add,.  Yeah if perhaps you are a satanist with a taste for mass slave camps that could be considered 'normal',.. So the sin is that this money could be raised in other ways,. but the new business model 'normal' is to take a loan, sell a bond to investors,.. Interest bearing,.. Anyone who has bought anything over a few thousand rands with a loan knows exactly how much time you spend servicing the loan versus the interest on the loan,.. Like i say, one would think this was basic math,.. But no, apparently such dementia is reasonable, rational, legal and considered most normal,.. So who actually gains and who actually loses, cut out the actual loan amount and look at the equation,. Tell me how the '52 freedom charter in anyway finds a place in such equation,.. It would be pitchfork time, but no, in this satanic orgy folks are cooked up on the good stuff and dreaming of a better life which sadly will never ever come,.. Investor classes simply milking the good nature of the cowed common classes,.. Should repeat that? take out the loaned value and what is left is simply the investor classes milking the good natured of the cowed common classes,..

Every party needs a good entertainer to keep people swinging!?..

Fact is we need a new independent media, finish and klaar, the current sources are bonafide corporate troughs serving only the finest swine feed to keep the party rolling,..

Something i have noted in parallel here and hear me out, let me add here that i praise you for keeping up with my diabolical rants, i really cannot rally to the 'lowest common denominator' out there, it takes cerebral legwork to fathom the extents of the web of lies we live in,..

Something i have noted in parallel here and hear me out, i really battle, given i prefer a clear Astrological rationality to a vague bone throwing Ancestral worship,. I'm quite opposed to 'psychics' thumb sucking, i obviously battle with it all, but i will defend indigenous traditions where need be over the technocratic outcomes we are seeing emerging the 'modern' world,.

Understand how widespread this assault is when even the EU project even shows this sort of meddling in peoples ancestral values, who the hell is the 'EU' versus the independence of each nations unique heritage?..  Any 'one world' outcome is utter nonsense in my eye, utter globalist technocrat babble designed at one ultimate outcome, world slavery of ancient bloodlines,..

Furthermore, i obviously don't mind getting heated and flashing my tongue around regards, somebody has to damn well make a stand for the traditional reality,.. God forbid, next thing we will be termed to be in 'voluntary isolation',.. Please read http://worldconsciouspact.org/news/repsol-to-drill-for-oil-in-amazon-rainforest-in-peru/ to see the absolute contempt of the 'modern' 'civilised' wannabe demeanour,.

The note would be the apparent politico/media blazing of Sangomas in order to purify the voter classes minds of their last respite, yet then the noted http://mg.co.za/multimedia/2013-11-28-sangoma-why-i-take-arvs Presents Sangomas sanctioning of giant pharmas profiteering off the same indigenous mass?...

I wish i could find the piece but i am sure it was an IOL article a few months back where the 'journalist' goes to a local street Sangoma,.. Further that the IOL is now an ANC paid for mouthpiece is what is of interest here,.. It was uncanny that they were 'reporting' how a 'journo' goes to a street Sangoma to get yadda yadda, service now, pay later, all manner of miracles,.. To which said journo quips, she waits patiently for most probably no actual results,.. So i.e. it is an exercise of publicly dissing the ancient partitioners art,.

So why the continual flip flopping by the press on Sangoma reality in SA?..

One has to consider how, if the vast mass of rural voter has the clout at the ballot box, how the Sangoma is the last true priest class of such indigenous masses,.. Even for the middle class peeps, when it comes down to the wire, who are they going to call to get back at their deceitful or challenging neighbour? A lawyer or a Sangoma?.. Perhaps even both, but why must the lawyer share his bounty with a savage?..

Really, in my eye, a multi front warfare on the mind of the indigenous class is underway here in SA,.. The war for the 'freedom' of the economic nation was fought 20-30 years ago, now the cultivation of their minds persists as key feature and the media houses are the wine master cultivars for sure,..

I find it most interesting that with Mercury and Pluto/Hades there in Capricorn over New Years,. Mercury/Hermes, the dude who takes one across the water, with coins over eyelids for the boat man to the Hades,. Capricorn being of Patriarchs,.. New Moon in Capricorns Capitalism,..

Wow, literally that of a passing Patriarch figure and a final handing over of the people to the banker classes,. Say it ain't so that we will see rampant capitalism unleashed from this point onward,.. New moon, new cycle, rampant financial aggression, capital aggression,.. Marikana? eTolling? Fukushima even?.. Utter lies in defence of the best 'reasonable' capitalist foot forward,.. Given we only see the microchipped society in 2020's skies with the Jupiter Saturn Pluto conjunction in Aquarius,.. Really we are seeing this all real early on then as such,. Or lets say,. things seem most definitely to be heading in that direction then,.. can you imagine my ire then? heheheh,..

Marikana could be said to be the death of 'Mandela' himself,.. Dead folks, dead, the 'dream' is dead,.. The longer you kid yourself the longer you allow the banker/shareholder creeps to gain that extra mile on you,.. Ramaphosa did it to his own peeps,. Ramaphosa did it to his own peeps,. Why am i constantly repeating myself here,. We need a new independent media, a peoples media through social networks perhaps, this blogging is opinion pieces, at least with Astrology there is a bind underlying, but a new actual reporting media is required if we are to get any fresh air down here,..

I see an utterly evil serpent like beast strolling the face of this globe,.. Convinced you all that you exhibit critical reasoning it has,.. Yet little in the mind is not conceived by one globalists think tank or other,. The true patriot is reduced to a ranting soapbox fiends like myself, our poverty is proof of our sincerity,.. I stand beside the indigenous tribesman,.. Yes that may seem like some petty self acclamation, a yap that i am somewhat better than the rest but i assure you, it's where the struggle is at,. We are all united in suffering, and suffrage we certainly share one way or other,..

Generally the prediction would be that in performing the Plutonian cleansing operation this year, fabulous stuff as we would see these fake politicians being cleared out of office,. On second thoughts, the reality persists,. When you find one scorpion you generally find more nearby and they will defend themselves and each other to the last,. So as per Marikana, eTolling on the SA scene, expect more of the same,. More aggression from indefensibly guilty politicians,.. Happy New Year!?..