Killing it for September 2013,..
Anxiety levels are!?.. He chuckles, well lets put it out there that sincerely, this year could have been a warmup so far, days like today for instance having two whole grand crosses active in the sky,.. The only planet not involved in 'squared up' relationships being Neptune,..
For the more extrovert reader we have the original September text,.
This could equate to a scenario as rich as USA Iraq 2003 where chemical factories are blown sky high, to save the Iraqi peeps from sure despotism,.. Enter the Save Syrians campaign,.. Which, incidentally 11 years post WTC-9/11 has us at a similar phase in the sunspot cycle,.. Which if you look here,, you will note the Sun is cheep still at present,. Very interesting as compared to Sept 2001/March 2003 where the Sun was kabaaaming the liiiving beejeesus out of the earth/solar system,..
So yes, we are on the Sun's similar energy wave phase at present, 11yrs on from the last big storms,.. Yet apparently we have no abundance of protons/electrons to anxiously inspire the lemmings to further toss collective humanity over the cliff of MAD nations antics,.. Well thank heavens for that,.
Libya/Fukushima in March 2011 was Uranus into Northern Hemisphere Aries,.. Heralding a further 21years of Uranus/Uranium's establishment on Northern Hemisphere soil,.. Phenomenal,.. Especially with Jupiter now Full Summer position in Cancer and yes, Floods in Europe and too Japan Fukushima's water levels rising so as to, yet again, bring this Uranium to the surface,..
Regardless of how this plays out, Uranus has only just shown himself, +-7yrs for Cancers to develop,.. 2018 is still a while off,.. Cancer business anyone!?..
So back to lil old September 2013,.. Ooof and off i dash to November 2013 already,.. Recall i have been mentioning long moving planets coming to big arrangements in the skies,. Pluto Uranus Jupiter 90 degrees Square to each other,. i.e. when Uranus is rising, Pluto is up top of the sky,. When Uranus is up top, Pluto is setting,.. These four points weigh heavily in cyclic understanding for we recognise our day and various facets of the life by these dualistic crossings,. Sunrise,. Midday, Sunset and Midnight,.. The basic spokes of our conscious mind/psyche are derived from these,.
So,. these guys have brought in the tension,. Xmas 2007 brought in all sorts of new reactions to the 2001 suicide pact,.. Jupiter's recent crossing of these two's path is bringing the Matriarchs, in your life and in greater society, into the line of fire,. Uranus Pluto are both social shock indicators,. Pluto Capricorn Xmas 2007 was classically Financial Shock,.. Capricorn being the kingdom of finance,. Uranus Aries literally being the introduction of radionuclides into the diet, the actual body,. Aries being the first point of life, the DNA and blood stream,. Also literally the eastern, 'land of the rising sun',.
Heliocentric views show Jupiter still having to run the gauntlet as such,.. From the earths perspective its all happening now but from a little further out, i.e. what would indicate coming solar storm activity,.. November seems to be thunder and lightening's return like we have not perhaps seen in a decade,..
At least i give you the lead in to why i lay such big lines out, 'the biggest November Storms in a decade',.. Excluding 14-11-2008 perhaps, but this is more like Summer storms we are talking,. In our lives we could see it like that,. In our political society it will perhaps be the assassination for instance or severe bullying of a opposition party prominent female candidate,.. Perhaps her displaying her mettle in this regards,. The SA charts do show that women essentially dominate our politics,.. Although admittedly the media only portray the patriarchs, perhaps for investor confidence purposes,.
Hellen Zille, if the 'poopscapades' have ruffled your feathers at all i suggest a ratel/buffel of twee,.. In fact, yes as i say above, we've seen Helen muddied by Pluto and the Uranians already,. Pluto literally being human excrement,. Uranians literally being revolutionary youth parties,…
November and choosing who you gonna party with over the Summer months,.. So this November shows carnage scenes my friends,. I've already predicted it by other ways Mercury being Retrograde in water signs in 2013 with Saturn Neptune Jupiter holding a great 120 degree Equilateral triangle,.. So yes, hence i started looking to heliocentric skies to query the suspicion,..
So back to that Trine, yes recall that is the Failed Patriarch vibe that has hit the scenes this year,. Well classically from October 2012 already,.. Most callers note this period, so i really am satisfied we hit the mark there,… As such this is realistically with us through Mid 2014,.. Various months will be like the burner has been put on full taps,. other months will perhaps lighten some,. Don't forget that the games in play even when you don't actively see it as such,.. Secrets and lies,. Jealousy and greed,.. Modern humans at their modern prime of short term me first thinking here,..
QE has come like a combine harvester, shredded cities and town without the regular citizen even realising the implications,.. What pray tell is the 'value' of your daily hours?.. In 10years time for instance, how does one quantify the change in apparent 'value' your hard working monies yield,.. Inflation, how does that factor into the value of your living blinking awareness,. Is any packet of time time more valuable now than it was 100 years ago? Shredded,..
Funny i bring this up and it's September month,. Virgo,. Earth sign, Worker, staff related value concerns,.. Strike season,..
Our issues are hiding somewhat this year and through October November 2013, January and April 2014,..
I could use the Elections up coming as example here,.. Expect very bad political behaviour,. Expect to see the 'Revolutionary party' like you perhaps have never seen them prior,. We may see old school assassinations, as historically most commonly reserved for their most despised IFP delegates,.. As i say, perhaps even a top female candidate is in the scope,..
So expect dirty trieks, expect bald faced liars,.. Expect associates one would never have expected together,. This is going to be a mix of Hollywood Bollywood and raw African bulshyvism,.
Further troubling is the fact that TEPCO plans to remove 400 tons of irradiated spent fuel from Fukushima No.4 in November,. A routine regularly controlled by computer, the pool is so damaged, the process will have to be done by mankind,.. An event which if it goes wrong could release 14000 times the radiation from Hiroshima's fateful blast,..
To which experts suggest evacuation of the Northern Hemisphere if such were to occur,.. Bleak times as folks seek one day in 5125 years, Dec 21 2012, rather than an event over the period which precipitates such global demise,.. Recall we are looking for a mega habitual neglect event, of which Fukushima is prime example,..
An edit from Venus into Scorpio descriptions above,...
I would go on to the depths of the psychological experiment that Hollywood media is and how it is of no 'co-incidence' that Miss Cyrus behaved the way she did,. We can see the 'handler's hand in this scene at the VMA's,.. I have not seen the footage but what's a bet there is a checker board somewhere on set,.. Note the one eyed cookie monster on her outfit, looking like he's having a real gaye old time,. That's the elites gobsmacking all the critters right up,. That's the good citizens,. the well ordered, morally confined civilian masses,.. Gobbled right up by the one eyed monster,. Surveillance society, technocracy,. Flick of a switch operate your kids right in your living room,. Read about how these poor girls get hypnotised, sign a contract with a big label and you're toasted, nigh, deep fried,. goes a way in exposing these hidden media influences,.. People have very little capacity for the workings of 'suggestion' devices,.. A man can arrive into the room and 20 years later you wake up tossed out the moving caravan of media circuitry,.. Eaten and spat out the other side,. As if the careers lights were sucking life out of the contracted host,.. Cameras cameras cameras,..
For the more extrovert reader we have the original September text,.
This could equate to a scenario as rich as USA Iraq 2003 where chemical factories are blown sky high, to save the Iraqi peeps from sure despotism,.. Enter the Save Syrians campaign,.. Which, incidentally 11 years post WTC-9/11 has us at a similar phase in the sunspot cycle,.. Which if you look here,, you will note the Sun is cheep still at present,. Very interesting as compared to Sept 2001/March 2003 where the Sun was kabaaaming the liiiving beejeesus out of the earth/solar system,..
So yes, we are on the Sun's similar energy wave phase at present, 11yrs on from the last big storms,.. Yet apparently we have no abundance of protons/electrons to anxiously inspire the lemmings to further toss collective humanity over the cliff of MAD nations antics,.. Well thank heavens for that,.
Libya/Fukushima in March 2011 was Uranus into Northern Hemisphere Aries,.. Heralding a further 21years of Uranus/Uranium's establishment on Northern Hemisphere soil,.. Phenomenal,.. Especially with Jupiter now Full Summer position in Cancer and yes, Floods in Europe and too Japan Fukushima's water levels rising so as to, yet again, bring this Uranium to the surface,..
Regardless of how this plays out, Uranus has only just shown himself, +-7yrs for Cancers to develop,.. 2018 is still a while off,.. Cancer business anyone!?..
So back to lil old September 2013,.. Ooof and off i dash to November 2013 already,.. Recall i have been mentioning long moving planets coming to big arrangements in the skies,. Pluto Uranus Jupiter 90 degrees Square to each other,. i.e. when Uranus is rising, Pluto is up top of the sky,. When Uranus is up top, Pluto is setting,.. These four points weigh heavily in cyclic understanding for we recognise our day and various facets of the life by these dualistic crossings,. Sunrise,. Midday, Sunset and Midnight,.. The basic spokes of our conscious mind/psyche are derived from these,.
So,. these guys have brought in the tension,. Xmas 2007 brought in all sorts of new reactions to the 2001 suicide pact,.. Jupiter's recent crossing of these two's path is bringing the Matriarchs, in your life and in greater society, into the line of fire,. Uranus Pluto are both social shock indicators,. Pluto Capricorn Xmas 2007 was classically Financial Shock,.. Capricorn being the kingdom of finance,. Uranus Aries literally being the introduction of radionuclides into the diet, the actual body,. Aries being the first point of life, the DNA and blood stream,. Also literally the eastern, 'land of the rising sun',.
Heliocentric views show Jupiter still having to run the gauntlet as such,.. From the earths perspective its all happening now but from a little further out, i.e. what would indicate coming solar storm activity,.. November seems to be thunder and lightening's return like we have not perhaps seen in a decade,..
At least i give you the lead in to why i lay such big lines out, 'the biggest November Storms in a decade',.. Excluding 14-11-2008 perhaps, but this is more like Summer storms we are talking,. In our lives we could see it like that,. In our political society it will perhaps be the assassination for instance or severe bullying of a opposition party prominent female candidate,.. Perhaps her displaying her mettle in this regards,. The SA charts do show that women essentially dominate our politics,.. Although admittedly the media only portray the patriarchs, perhaps for investor confidence purposes,.
Hellen Zille, if the 'poopscapades' have ruffled your feathers at all i suggest a ratel/buffel of twee,.. In fact, yes as i say above, we've seen Helen muddied by Pluto and the Uranians already,. Pluto literally being human excrement,. Uranians literally being revolutionary youth parties,…
November and choosing who you gonna party with over the Summer months,.. So this November shows carnage scenes my friends,. I've already predicted it by other ways Mercury being Retrograde in water signs in 2013 with Saturn Neptune Jupiter holding a great 120 degree Equilateral triangle,.. So yes, hence i started looking to heliocentric skies to query the suspicion,..
So back to that Trine, yes recall that is the Failed Patriarch vibe that has hit the scenes this year,. Well classically from October 2012 already,.. Most callers note this period, so i really am satisfied we hit the mark there,… As such this is realistically with us through Mid 2014,.. Various months will be like the burner has been put on full taps,. other months will perhaps lighten some,. Don't forget that the games in play even when you don't actively see it as such,.. Secrets and lies,. Jealousy and greed,.. Modern humans at their modern prime of short term me first thinking here,..
QE has come like a combine harvester, shredded cities and town without the regular citizen even realising the implications,.. What pray tell is the 'value' of your daily hours?.. In 10years time for instance, how does one quantify the change in apparent 'value' your hard working monies yield,.. Inflation, how does that factor into the value of your living blinking awareness,. Is any packet of time time more valuable now than it was 100 years ago? Shredded,..
Funny i bring this up and it's September month,. Virgo,. Earth sign, Worker, staff related value concerns,.. Strike season,..
Our issues are hiding somewhat this year and through October November 2013, January and April 2014,..
I could use the Elections up coming as example here,.. Expect very bad political behaviour,. Expect to see the 'Revolutionary party' like you perhaps have never seen them prior,. We may see old school assassinations, as historically most commonly reserved for their most despised IFP delegates,.. As i say, perhaps even a top female candidate is in the scope,..
So expect dirty trieks, expect bald faced liars,.. Expect associates one would never have expected together,. This is going to be a mix of Hollywood Bollywood and raw African bulshyvism,.
Further troubling is the fact that TEPCO plans to remove 400 tons of irradiated spent fuel from Fukushima No.4 in November,. A routine regularly controlled by computer, the pool is so damaged, the process will have to be done by mankind,.. An event which if it goes wrong could release 14000 times the radiation from Hiroshima's fateful blast,..
To which experts suggest evacuation of the Northern Hemisphere if such were to occur,.. Bleak times as folks seek one day in 5125 years, Dec 21 2012, rather than an event over the period which precipitates such global demise,.. Recall we are looking for a mega habitual neglect event, of which Fukushima is prime example,..
An edit from Venus into Scorpio descriptions above,...
I would go on to the depths of the psychological experiment that Hollywood media is and how it is of no 'co-incidence' that Miss Cyrus behaved the way she did,. We can see the 'handler's hand in this scene at the VMA's,.. I have not seen the footage but what's a bet there is a checker board somewhere on set,.. Note the one eyed cookie monster on her outfit, looking like he's having a real gaye old time,. That's the elites gobsmacking all the critters right up,. That's the good citizens,. the well ordered, morally confined civilian masses,.. Gobbled right up by the one eyed monster,. Surveillance society, technocracy,. Flick of a switch operate your kids right in your living room,. Read about how these poor girls get hypnotised, sign a contract with a big label and you're toasted, nigh, deep fried,. goes a way in exposing these hidden media influences,.. People have very little capacity for the workings of 'suggestion' devices,.. A man can arrive into the room and 20 years later you wake up tossed out the moving caravan of media circuitry,.. Eaten and spat out the other side,. As if the careers lights were sucking life out of the contracted host,.. Cameras cameras cameras,..