Edward Snowden and the NSA PRISM data collection program,.., the Art of Astrology - Extreme"/>

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Edward Snowden and the NSA PRISM data collection program,..

Edward Snowden and the NSA PRISM data collection program

Been waiting some time to present this,folks who know me or follow my regular posts will realise i have been talking about this all already for some time,.. As such, whats new!?..

Right, so the basics here,. An NSA contractor, i.e. a guy who works for a private company, Booz Allen, that services USA intelligence, NSA, decides he cannot be a prick all his life and decides to lay bare the ingredients to his daily bread,..

Now as we read he had been lining this all up since early 2013 already,.. As we have been discussing in our monthly posts, the same timeline regards these massive undercurrents that should as such be surfacing around now,..

Astrologically,.. as i have already detailed, With Neptune in Pisces,164ys and Saturn into Scorpio, 30yrs,.. Uranus into Aries, 84yrs and even Pluto into Capricorn, 264yrs,.

We have some pretty big cycles on the go at this stage,. Neptune and Saturn into their dark trust oriented water signs is on its own last seen in 1688,.. Pluto into Capricorn was last seen in 1760's around the time of America's apparent independence,..

So whats the big huff about?…
The big huff follows in line with a slew of issues that especially since Saturn has entered dark and dodgy Scorchio, cannot but come to the surface like Fukushima Strontium or a Louisiana toxic sinkhole 1000ft across,..

As i have been detailing in posts like "Saturn into Scorpio Nominations" Our Patriarchal Archetype sure is under fire at present and as such when you look under a rock to find a Scorpion, if you find one, odds are you are going to find plenty more,…

So,.. Basically this year we have now been awaiting Jupiter to move into Cancer and as such then we are going to see one giant triangle of Neptune Saturn and Jupiter all fresh into water element zodiac signs,.. i.e. Massive trust issues, massive emotional anxieties regards sibling trust issues,..
Massive restructuring of partnership arrangements, Judy Sexwale etc,..

We too have been talking about the Matriarchs relationship here and how as such she is going abroad for a time, to resolve these issues,..

But yes, to see Edward Snowden and the PRISM issue arise now as Mercury, Venus move into Cancer, really this is one or two weeks early in my eye,. WHen Jupiter moves through, then we are certainly going to see fireworks,..

26th June 2013 is when Jupiter moves in, Mercury goes retro and starts the second of 3 periods this year already discussed in General Notice for 2013 Really, we are expecting a fan bus full of whistleblowers at this rate,.

In South Africa, all this peddles alongside the passing of our grand NWO puppet figure Nelson Mandela as freedom fighter and saviour of the nation,. Hardly so, but yeap, we'll pay the piper as far as possible for spending so much media time prepping this terrorist to fit the nations patriarchal top spot,.. As with all Scorpions though, the truth under the rock is very different to that above,.. Trust issues and emotional anxieties certainly are running high as everyone wants the guy alive for some reason, others would love him dead, facts are the Afrikaners have been petrified of this day for decades,.

I have already mentioned his potential for passing in late July 2013 a few times,..

So yes, we are on the surface here of a massive controversy and really, it's been a long time in coming,.. As such, Edward Snowdens coming to consciousness is possibly the most courageous event of the decade, recall as it is an odds decade we mentioned in 2011 already, this would be a revolutionary decade, one in which the people fight back against their minders,.. This is 100% along that line and we expect far more, perhaps even to the extent that we finally understand how far the alien connection goes, how many of the reptilian suckers are sitting just out of view awaiting their final orgy, watching Dick Cheney salivating on CNN brings such to mind,..

But yes,. very interesting how indeed we are seeing whats going on in the skies here on earth,.. Now if only we could fire the lot of them ;-)

In these skies, Edward and the likes of Glen Greenwald are shown as Mars and Sun in Gemini, the Male reporter and Male inteligence operative,.. The secrets are all the water placements, that he has to hide abroad etc,.. Very intersting placements and surely more to follow in this regards,..