Late2008 Bushco 100m dash,.., the Art of Astrology - Extreme"/>

Monday, December 08, 2008

Late2008 Bushco 100m dash,..

Now Mumbai Miami Vice Nov2008 occurred on dates we prior predicted, yet held back for fear my rep is becoming a little doomsdayish,..
But yes,. it came to passers by that indeed the actions,. she is happening,...

Lets not forget folksies that //Busho is indeed doing his victory lap as we see sharks swimming around Osama's think tank,..

So indeed,. there are further dates coming shortly that we should then make more public,..

More than flailingly predicting 20+ ufo's mundane appearance in the sky,. to what like point i don't know really,..
Read my powere broker to remind yourself why such is really so in your face, you're asleep type pathogen,..

These dates we give are dates in the plippin solar system guys,.. we are in a big radio here, multiple dials,.. stretch your heads a little,.. as these qears grind their little we twist and contort out bodies and faces so,.. Each new face a mirror of its times,..

RIght,. to the point, dates then, before i ramble on any further,..
These are looking at USA 1774 4 July chart,.. taking todays planets and placing them around that chart,.. voetsek terug in die gelede,..
12/12/2008 is a kicker,.. this is the Full Moon of the New Moon/Mumbai, Bushco, Apparent Calamity,..

Ok,. so you all know what to do,.. Panic,.. hahahh,...
please read/watch "the HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy" for more on that theory,...

Further,.. Why all the stupid date acronyms, if thats what you call them,..??
London Bombings-07/07/2005,.. add the 2 and 5 in 2005,... =7,... ie 07 / 07 / 07

Dudes,.. my take on the whole thing,..
Sept 2007 Northern rock,.. - we've reached the top.,..
March 2008 Beare sterns,.. - get the flep out of the market, going south fast,...
Sept 2008 Lehman Brothers,...- Lying .......s, the whole lot of them,... [dare i use foul language here]
March 2009 The USA?,... - not to speculate at this point but to show you something,.. Read on,..

The first two big media banking collapses occurred to the day 17th of their prospective months,. ie 6months exact,..
6months,.. 6months and 6months,.. that takes us to 2009march,.. If a bank goes here,. we have had 6 6 6 months and this could well be the method of marking the population with the mark of the beast i.e. the whoole scary 666 beast stoorie we have heard for years,.. BUt yes,. point being,.. someone is spending a lot of time thinking up all this Dallas Soapier type crap,...

Chaps,. we got sleeping Gnomes at the wheel,.. Check around in all your lego cars, them gnomies are zzz,. snooring,..
Check inside your pips and switch the snap out of it,..

Barrack Hussein Osama is electing folk into positions that fulfill bushco agendas,..
the gnomies/lemmings/sheeple sit quietly and stare,.... hmmm,. fidget fidget,... nibble nibble,. ambitiously munching their popcorn,..

You all seen water ship down?,.. real tear jerker how they trash the whole spot in front of your eyes,. innit!?,..

Prior to 2000 i predicted a comic book ending to what we were seeing emerging,.. deep in our 20th century psyche we have Comic Book reality post 2000,..
ESPECIALLY 2010,... flying cars,. free energy,.. super whap fantastic microwaves that can make ferrari's etc,...

Can Osama really be the Manchurian Candidate!?,.. A hypnotic, yes man, president,..
If Osama is assassinated?,.. is this really by a counter revolutionary Red Neck or by conflict within the ewings family,..
You know bobby really just has it innn for Jr,. and well has to nuke the whole of palestine to get that stress off his back,.. whew man dont you hate it,.. oldr brother acting all smansie pansie,. when it was me giving dad blowjobs all along,.. boy am i going to get even,..
lol,. pity theres so many peasants that have to get squached to teach him a lesson,..

Poor Humans,... caught in someone elses soap opera,..

if you arrive at the conclusion in the midst of a cinema that the fliek is really not to your measure,. get up and walk on through the door,..
you don't have to take the current roles that are projected everywhere as gospel,.. snap out of it and ol Bushco becomes most obviously clear,..

Factor this new understanding into your thinkings,..

Kids jean pant keep falling down!?!?,.. like damn man, such a hot new/aging trend,...
Right,... undernourished, ritlalin induced lack of appetite,.. our slave class is thinning,. neer mind we'll get the media squad on it,..
get them Merchants of Cool on it,...

2020's predominant undernourished serfer class,.. All as gaunt as ever,.. Yet surprisingly dedicated to looking just that perfect gauntly good,.. lol,.. see the evil here folks,. one hell of an operation on the go,..

Little Rabbits got a big Bulldozer coming for him,.. No amount of quivering going to change this,..

They said Derivatives were Economic WMD's,.. They said they would use pre-emptive measures in their war on terror,..

Either Osama is there to run the pack,.. or to lead the pack into the stable gates after which they will have no use for him,. only use,. use his assassination as in road to Martial law,..

Previously i dated his assassination 17th to 21st jan 2009,.. but ya,. he's doing such a good job already,. why stop now!?